Michel Lynch Prestige St Emilion AC
Michel Lynch Prestige St Emilion AC
The expression of Bordeaux’s finest terroirs Michel Lynch Prestige celebrates the region’s greatest local appellations. These are exceptional wines that faithfully reflect both the local terroir and its grape varietals.
Michel Lynch Prestige Red, AOC Saint-Emilion. Both Powerful and delicate.
A beautiful brilliant deep colour with an intense fruity and mentholated nose, smooth and complex on the palate. his fine Saint-Emilion wine is composed mainly of Merlot with a small percentage of Cabernet Franc. Aged partly in oak barrels, it reveals delicate woody notes underlined by silky tannins… Served at 18°C, Michel Lynch Prestige Saint-Emilion is the perfect accompaniment to game and dishes served in sauces or containing mushrooms. It can be kept for a few years in the cellar.